When a potential divesting organisation engages with eCODE on the Captive ReLease programme, it may decide to do so on either a Finder's Fee or a Success Fee basis.
The Finder's Fee model enables the divesting organisation to contact Potential Aquirers from a pre-qualified long- or short-list provided by eCODE and to 'run with the ball' from there. Any additional professional services (see below) that may be required can be added on a Time & Materials basis. For a copy of eCODE's current T&M fee scales, please contact us and request a copy of our published rate card.
The Success Fee model — based on a variant of the industry-standard Double Lehman scale — includes a number of additional services within the price structure and relieves the divesting organisation of the every day management of deal preparation, leaving the divestor free to concentrate on Busines As Usual.
If no deal is consumated, then no Finders Fee is payable and the only charge will be the initial Engagement Fee.
Helping to maintain or enforce confidentiality of the transfer and sale.